Flight Plan: Special Olympic Airlift Needs More Volunteers

Flight Plan

Flight plan for a trip transporting Olympic athletes

The Special Olympics Airlift (SOA) is fast approaching, and the athletes couldn’t be more excited! Every flight plan filed will be part of a massive effort to transport over 4000 athletes and coaches from all over the country to the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games in Orlando, Florida. 

The SOA is a wonderful aviation community event that started as the Citation Special Olympics Airlift in 1987. The event is organized and coordinated by Textron Aviation Inc., and in addition to Citations, the SOA fleet also includes volunteer Beechcraft King Airs, Beechcraft Premiers, Beechjets, and Hawkers.

Since the beginning of this generous operation, over 10,000 athletes and coaches have been given complimentary transportation to Special Olympic Games all over the United States. Some of these athletes have never traveled outside of their hometown, much less been on an airplane ride, so having their first flight on a private business jet is genuinely a ride to remember.

Textron Aviation is hoping to recruit 228 aircraft owners by February 28, 2022, to assist in the transportation of 4000 athletes and coaches for the games that begin on June 4, 2022. Owners and operators are needed from all over the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean and are asked to donate their aircraft, pilots, and fuel. These pilots and aircraft will also fly the athletes and coaches home on June 12, 2022 

Textron has a wide range of locations for volunteer owners and operators to pick up and drop off participants. Each aircraft can expect to carry from 3 – 7 athletes plus a coach or sponsor. All aircraft will fly into Orlando Executive (KORL). The dropoff and pick-up procedures are efficient and quick, partly because of congested ramp space and busy airspace in central Florida; airlift organizers know that the volunteers are donating their time and money, and they want to make sure neither is wasted.

Once registered as a donor aircraft, you will receive a letter with a SOA decal and a medallion for your aircraft, along with other information that you will need to plan your trips to and from the games. Then in May of 2022, you will receive any additional last-minute details, including your very own “Dove” call sign to be used with your passengers.

For more information and to register your aircraft for this noble purpose, please visit https://txtav.com/airlift.

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